PC312 User Manual: Difference between revisions

From Silbo Networks
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You can leave the application on for monitoring else ‘Stop’ the application.
You can leave the application on for monitoring else ‘Stop’ the application.
== 6.Configuration ==
These are gateway features that can be configured as per requirements.
It is divided into 5 sections,
1.) Port Configuration
2.) Modbus Configuration
3.) Data Source Configuration
4.) Cloud Configuration
5.) Send Configuration
[[File:Protocol Converter Configuration Dashboard.png|frameless|620x620px]]
=== 6.1 Port Configuration ===
Serial port configuration involves setting parameters for serial communication, allowing data exchange between devices via serial ports.
Port Configuration is divided into 4 port mode,
'''Transparent Serial to Remote TCP Client'''
'''Transparent Serial to Remote TCP Server'''
'''Modbus TCP Master to Modbus RTU Slave'''
'''Modbus RTU Master to Modbus TCP Slave'''
[[File:Port Configuration.png|frameless|620x620px]]
'''Transparent Serial to Remote TCP Client:'''
[[File:Transparent Serial to Remote TCP Client.png|frameless|620x620px]]
Specification details are given below:
{| class="wikitable"
|Field  Name
|Sample  Value
|Port Mode
|Transparent Serial to Remote TCP Client
|Configures  the serial port to send data directly to a remote TCP client without any  additional protocol layers, making it "transparent."
|Transparent Serial Port Mode
|1.) raw
2.) rawlp
3.) telnet
4.) off
|1.) It's a  straightforward data transfer where the serial data is sent as-is.
2.)  "Rawlp" stands for "raw with local processing". Typically,  it involves some minimal local processing before transmission.
3.) This  allows the serial connection to be accessed and managed over a Telnet  session.
4.) The  "off" mode disables the transparent serial port functionality.
|Time Out
|no time out
|Ensures that  the serial port does not time out, meaning it will continuously wait for data  without closing the connection due to inactivity.
|Local Listener TCP Port
|Sets the TCP  port number to 3040 for the local listener to accept incoming TCP  connections.
|Baud Rate
|This is a  common baud rate for serial communication, balancing speed and reliability.
|No Of Stopbits
|Configures  the serial communication to use 1 stop bit, which is a common setting  ensuring the end of each byte is clearly marked.
|No Of Databits
|Sets the  number of bits in each transmitted byte to 8.
|1.) None
2.) Even
3.) Odd
4.) Space
5.) Mark
|1.) No parity  bit is added to the data byte.
2.) Ensures  that the total number of 1-bits in the data byte plus the parity bit is even.
3.) Ensures  that the total number of 1-bits in the data byte plus the parity bit is odd.
4.) The  parity bit is always set to 0, regardless of the data.
5.) The  parity bit is always set to 1, regardless of the data.
|Flow Control
2.) NONE
|1.) Request  to Send / Clear to Send
2.) No flow  control is used.
3.) Data  Terminal Ready / Data Set Ready
4.) Software  flow control using specific control characters (XON and XOFF) to manage data  flow.
|Read Trace
|Enables  logging of data being read from the serial port.
|Write Trace
|Enables  logging of data being written to the serial port.
Click on save once configuration changes are made.
'''Transparent Serial to Remote TCP Server:'''
Configures the port to act as a bridge, converting serial data into TCP packets sent to a remote TCP server.
[[File:Transparent Serial to Remote TCP Server-.png|frameless|620x620px]]
Specification details are given below:
{| class="wikitable"
|Field  Name
|Sample  Value
|Port Mode
|Transparent Serial to Remote TCP Server
|Defines how  the serial port will operate in relation to the remote server.
|Remote Server IP
|'''Field must  not be empty:''' This is a required field, and you must provide a valid IP  address for proper communication.
|Remote Server Port
|Ex: 1883
|'''Field must  not be empty:''' This is a required field, and you must specify the correct  port number used by the server.
|Transparent Serial Port Mode
|1.) raw
2.) rawlp
3.) telnet
4.) off
|1.) It's a  straightforward data transfer where the serial data is sent as-is.
2.)  "Rawlp" stands for "raw with local processing". Typically,  it involves some minimal local processing before transmission.
3.) This  allows the serial connection to be accessed and managed over a Telnet  session.
4.) The  "off" mode disables the transparent serial port functionality.
|Time Out
|no time out
|Ensures that  the serial port does not time out, meaning it will continuously wait for data  without closing the connection due to inactivity.
|Local Listener Interface IP Address
|'''Field must  not be empty:''' This is a required field for specifying which local IP  address will be used for listening.
|Local Listener TCP Port
|The TCP port  number on the local device that will be used to listen for incoming data.
|Baud Rate
|Standard baud  rate, common for many serial devices.
|No Of Stopbits
|Indicates  that one stop bit is used, which is standard for most serial communications.
|No Of Databits
|Indicates  that 8 data bits are used per byte, which is a common setting.
|1.) None
2.) Even
3.) Odd
4.) Space
5.) Mark
|1.) No parity  bit is added to the data byte.
2.) Ensures  that the total number of 1-bits in the data byte plus the parity bit is even.
3.) Ensures  that the total number of 1-bits in the data byte plus the parity bit is odd.
4.) The  parity bit is always set to 0, regardless of the data.
5.) The  parity bit is always set to 1, regardless of the data.
|Flow Control
2.) NONE
|1.) Request  to Send / Clear to Send
2.) No flow  control is used.
3.) Data  Terminal Ready / Data Set Ready
4.) Software  flow control using specific control characters (XON and XOFF) to manage data  flow.
|Read Trace
|Option to  enable tracing of incoming data from the serial port, useful for debugging.
|Write Trace
|Option to  enable tracing of outgoing data from the serial port, useful for debugging.
Click on save once configuration changes are made.
'''Modbus TCP Master to Modbus RTU Slave:'''
Configures the serial port to function as a Modbus TCP Master that communicates with a Modbus RTU Slave over the serial connection.
This setup is used to send Modbus TCP commands to a Modbus RTU device via a serial-to-TCP gateway.
[[File:Modbus TCP Master to Modbus RTU Slave.png|frameless|620x620px]]
Specification details are given below:
{| class="wikitable"
|Field  Name
|Sample  Value
|Port Mode
|Modbus TCP Master to Modbus RTU Slave
|This setup is  used to send Modbus TCP commands to a Modbus RTU device via a serial-to-TCP  gateway.
|Baud Rate
|The speed at  which data is transmitted over the serial connection.
|1.) None
2.) Even
3.) Odd
|1.) No parity  bit is used, meaning no additional error-checking bits are included.
2.) Ensures  that the total number of 1-bits in the data byte plus the parity bit is even.
3.) Ensures  that the total number of 1-bits in the data byte plus the parity bit is odd.
|No of Stopbits
|Indicates  that one stop bit is used, which is standard for most serial communications.
|No of Databits
|Indicates  that 8 data bits are used per byte, which is a common setting.
|Local Listener Interface IP Address
|'''Field must  not be empty:''' You need to provide a valid IP address where the TCP  connections will be received.
|TCP Port
|This is the  standard port for Modbus TCP communication.
|Max. Number of Retries
|The maximum  number of times to retry sending a request if the initial attempt fails.
|Delay Between Each Request (In milliseconds)
|The delay  between consecutive Modbus requests to avoid overwhelming the system or  device.
|Response Wait Time (In milliseconds)
|The maximum  time to wait for a response from the Modbus RTU Slave before considering the  request failed.
|Connection Timeout (In seconds)
|A value of 0  typically means no timeout is set, so the system will wait indefinitely.
|Inactivity Timeout (In seconds)
|The time to  wait before closing a connection if no activity is detected.
Click on save once configuration changes have been made.
'''Modbus RTU Master to Modbus TCP Slave:'''
Configures the serial port to function as a Modbus RTU Master that communicates with a Modbus TCP Slave over a network. This setup is used to send Modbus RTU commands from a master device to a Modbus TCP device via a TCP-to-serial gateway.
[[File:Modbus RTU Master to Modbus TCP Slave.png|frameless|620x620px]]
Specification details are given below:
{| class="wikitable"
|Field  Name
|Sample  Value
|Port Mode
|Modbus RTU Master to Modbus TCP Slave
|This setup is  used to send Modbus RTU commands from a master device to a Modbus TCP device  via a TCP-to-serial gateway.
|Baud Rate
|The speed at  which data is transmitted over the serial connection.
|1.) None
2.) Even
3.) Odd
|1.) No parity  bit is used, meaning no additional error-checking bits are included.
2.) Ensures  that the total number of 1-bits in the data byte plus the parity bit is even.
3.) Ensures  that the total number of 1-bits in the data byte plus the parity bit is odd.
|No of Stopbits
|Indicates  that one stop bit is used, which is standard for most serial communications.
|No of Databits
|Indicates  that 8 data bits are used per byte, which is a common setting.
|TCP Slave Address
|Field must not be empty
|The IP  address of the Modbus TCP Slave device to which the master will send requests.
|TCP Slave Port
|Field must not be empty
|The port  number on the Modbus TCP Slave device for receiving Modbus requests.
|Max. Number of Retries
|The maximum  number of times to retry sending a request if the initial attempt fails.
|Delay Between Each Request (In milliseconds)
|Field must not be empty
|The delay  between consecutive Modbus requests to avoid overwhelming the system.
|Response Wait Time (In milliseconds)
|The maximum  time to wait for a response from the Modbus TCP Slave before considering the  request failed.
|Connection Timeout (In seconds)
|A value of 0  typically means no timeout is set, so the system will wait indefinitely.
|Inactivity Timeout (In seconds)
|Field must not be empty
|The time to  wait before closing a connection if no activity is detected.
Click on save once configuration changes have been made.
=== 6.2 Modbus Configuration ===
Modbus Configuration involves setting up communication parameters for Modbus devices, including baud rate, parity, stop bits, data bits, TCP/RTU settings, and timeout/retry settings for reliable data exchange.
Click on “Add Device” to start a new configuration.
This Configuration has 2 sections,
1.) Parameter Configuration
2.) Register Config
[[File:Modbus Configuration.png|frameless|620x620px]]

Revision as of 07:51, 20 August 2024

Connecting with Protocol Converter to the System (Laptop/Desktop)        

To log in to SILBO_PC312 by connecting the Protocol converter to your laptop or desktop via LAN or using Wi-Fi, please follow the steps below.

Connecting via LAN:

Connect your laptop's LAN port to the Protocol Converter’s LAN interface.                                                                                                                                    

How to connect with the SILBO_PC312 application

Once the LAN connection is established between the device and the laptop or the desktop

Please open the command prompt and ping to get the IP config of that device.

Type the command Ipconfig

It will provide the Ip address/url of that device through which the application can be accessed.

Log In

Open the web browser and type the IP address in the URL.

It will show the log in page of the application.

Give the valid credentials for the username and password to login to the application page.

Once the user credentials are provided it will direct to the landing page of the application.

The “Status” landing page shows all the detailed specification of the device like system, memory storage and connection tracking etc.

The application is divided in to 8 Modules.

  • Info
  • Settings
  • Maintenance
  • Status
  • Features
  • Configuration
  • Appmanager
  • Logout

1. Info

The “Info” module provides the information about the devices to the user.

It provides all the specification related to the hardware, firmware, Networks and the Connection uptimes.

It has 3 submodules.

  • Overview
  • System Log
  • Kernel Log

1.1 Overview

In overview module it displays all the specification categorically of a device like System, Memory, storage, Connection tracking, DHCP Lease.


In this section it displays the hardware configured specification of the device.

The specifications details are as follows,

SN Field name Sample value Description
1 Hostname B17C4322006 This field displays the router serial number of the device
2 Model


This field displays the model number of the device
3 Firmware Version and IPK Version 1.16_1.13_RC4 This field displays the firmware version and IPK version
4 Application Firmware version and IPK version


This field displays the software version of the device.
5 Kernel Version 4.14.180 This field displays the kernel version of the device
6 Local Time Tuesday, August 6, 2024 at 01:15:07 PM This field displays the local time
7 Uptime 1d 2h 23m 25s This field displays the uptime of the device
8 Load Average 0.45 0.30 0.19 This field displays the average load

Memory: In this section it displays the memory configured specification of the device.

The specifications details are as follows.

SN Field name Sample value Description
1 Total Available 57716 kB / 124188 kB (46%) This field displays the total availability of memory space in the device
2 Free 46424 kB / 124188 kB (37%) This field displays the Free memory space in the device
3 Cached 444 kB / 124188 kB (0%) This field displays the Cached memory space in the device
4 Buffered 11224 kB / 124188 kB (9%) This field displays the Buffered memory space in the device

Storage: In this section it displays the status of storage as root and temporary usage specification of the device.

The specifications details are as follows.

SN Field name Sample value Description
1 Root Usage 1580 kB / 12800 kB (12%) This field displays the total root usage of the device
2 Temporary Usage 444 kB / 62092 kB (0%) This field displays the total temporary usage of the device

Connection Tracking:

In this section it displays the status of connection tracking for the device.

The specifications details are as follows.

SN Field Value Sample Value Description
1 Active Connections 48/16384 (0%) This field displays the active connection of the device.

DHCP Leases:

In this section it displays the DHCP lease of the temporary assignment of an IP address to a device on the network.

The specifications details are below.

SN Field name Sample value Description
1 Host Name KermaniK-LT This field displays the configured Host Name/Username for that device.
2 IPv4-Address This field displays the IP address of the device.
3 MAC-Address 34:73:5a:bb: ab:7a This field displays the MAC-Address of the device.
4 Lease time remaining 11h 53m 49s This field displays the lease time remaining for the device.

1.2 System Log

This page provides on screen System logging information. In this page the user gets to view the system logs.

1.3 Kernel Log

This page provides on screen Kernel logging information.

In this page the user gets to view the Kernel logs.

2. Setting

In this “Setting” module the user can Configure/update all the required parameters related to Network and Wifi settings as per requirement.

IT consist of 1 submodule.

  •  Network

2.1 Network

In this section the user does all the setting related configuration with reference to network like Ethernet Settings and Wi-Fi Settings.

Ethernet Setting:

In this page it will display the configured port that is attached with the device.

For this device 1 port is configured.

Ethernet LAN Connection settings can be configured as DHCP server or Static.

For port 1 setting,

Kindly select the option LAN for Port 1 mode LAN/WAN. Based on the option selected the field will also change. The user needs to configure all the required field and click on save.

Specification details are given below:

SN Field name Sample value Description
1 Ethernet Mode LAN This field displays the port mode selection
2 Port 1 Ethernet Protocol [LAN Eth0.1] 1.) DHCP Server

2.) Static

This field displays the Ethernet mode selection
3 Port 1 DHCP Server IP

Port 1 Static IP



This field displays DHCP server and static IP configured.
4 Port 1 DHCP and Static Netmask This field displays DHCP server and static Netmask address configured
5 Port 1 DHCP Start Address 100 This field displays DHCP server start address configured
6 Port 1 DHCP Limit 50 This field displays DHCP server limit
7 DNS Server Options: 1,2 Select the number of DNS Server to configure (max 2).
8 DNS server address Ex: Enter the DNS server IP address upon selection.

Kindly select the option EWAN for Port 1 mode LAN/WAN. Based on the option selected the field will also change. The user needs to configure all the required field and click on the save to save the required fields.

The specifications details are below.

SN Field name Sample value Description
1 Ethernet Mode EWAN This field displays the port mode selection

Ethernet Protocol Port 1 WAN 1.) DHCP client

2.) Static

1.) Automatically obtains IP address and network configuration from a DHCP server.

2.) Manually set a fixed IP address and network configuration.

3 Gateway This field displays gateway address configured

Click on the save once all the configuration is done and click on the update button to update all the information.

Wi-Fi Setting:

In this, router has the general setting and change country code, channel, radio mode, radio passphrase as per the requirement after clicking on enable Radio button.

It has 1 radio mode,

Access point

Access Point mode:

In Access Point mode, a configuration in which a router, allows wireless devices to connect to a wired network by creating a Wi-Fi hotspot.

The specifications details are below.

SN Field name Sample value Description
1 Radio 0 Protocol IEEE 802.11 b/g/n This section shows the radio protocol which is by default.
2 Country Code INDIA Select the country accordingly.

(INDIA by default)

3 Channel Auto In this dropdown the user should select the proper channel to be used. (Auto by default)
4 TX Power 100 In this text box the user should specify the power.
5 Channel Width 20 MHz In this dropdown the user should select the channel width
6 Radio Mode 1.) Access point In this drop down the user should select the mode.

(Access point by default)

7 Radio SSID AP_37A26230014 In this text box the user should specify the SSID number which usually comes with the router.
8 Radio Authentication WPA2 Personal (PSK) In this dropdown the user should select the type of authentication.

(WPA2 Personal (PSK) by default)

9 Radio Encryption AES In this dropdown the user should select the type of encryption required.

(AES by default)

10 Radio Passphrase ********* In this text box the user should specify the password. Password will be given with the router which can be changed later.
11 Radio DHCP server IP In this text box the user should specify the IP address of DHCP server.

( will be default which can be changed accordingly)

12 Radio DHCP start address 100 In this text box the user should specify the start address of the DHCP.

(100 value is default)

13 Radio DHCP limit 50 In this text box the user should specify the limit for the DHCP.

(50 value is default)

14 DNS Server Options: 1,2 Select the number of DNS Server to configure (max 2).
15 DNS server address Ex: Enter the DNS server IP address upon selection.

Click on save once changes have been made.


In this module the user can configure/upgrade/modify the settings related to system, password,

firmware and monitoring.

It includes 4 submodules.

  • General
  • Password
  • Reboot
  • Import and Export config

3.1 General

Here you can configure the basic aspects of the Protocol Convertor like its hostname or the time zone.

It is further sub-divided into,

1.) General Settings

2.) Logging

3.) Language and Style

General Settings:


SN Field Name Sample Value Description
1 Local Time 2024/07/30 13:25:47 The current local date and time set on the device.
2 Hostname B17C4322006 The hostname of the device, which is used to identify it on the network.
3 Timezone Asia/Kolkata The timezone setting of the device, which determines the local time.

Once the user configures the required details then click on the save button to save all the details.


Here the user can configure the basic aspects of your device related to system.

The system log configuration provided specifies how the device handles and stores log information, including buffer size, external log server details, and log verbosity levels.


SN Field Name Sample Value Description
1 System log buffer size Example: 32 kiB The size of the memory buffer allocated (0-32) for storing system logs before they are either written to a file or sent to an external server.
2 External system log server Example: The IP address of an external server where logs can be sent.
3 External system log server port Example: 514 The port used to send logs to the external log server. Port 514 is the default port for syslog.
4 Log output level Example: Debug Sets the detail level of the system logs.
5 Cron Log level Example: Debug The detail level of the logs for cron jobs.

Once the user configures the required details then click on the save button to save all the details.

Language and Style:

Here the user can configure the basic aspects of your device related to language.

Once the user configures the required details then click on the save button to save all the details.

3.2 Password

In this module the user can set the password for the admin credentials.

Specifies the password for the guest account. If the user enters a plaintext password here, it will get replaced with a crypted password on save. The new password will be effective once the user logs out and log in again.

3.3 Reboot

In this module the user can reboot the device remotely.

First option is to directly reboot the device without enabling the maintenance reboot tab.

Click on “Reboot Now” at the bottom of the screen to start the reboot process.

To start maintenance reboot process first the user needs to fill all the required fields.

Need to select the type of reboot for the device whether it needs to be Hardware or Software reboot.

Specification details are given below:

SN Field Name Sample Value Description
1 Enable Maintenance Reboot Enable/Disable Indicates whether the maintenance reboot feature is enabled or not.
2 Type Maintenance Reboot Specifies the type of reboot being scheduled.
3 Reboot Type Software/Hardware Hardware: A hardware reboot involves restarting the entire device as if it were powered off and on again.

Software: A software reboot involves restarting the operating system without powering off the hardware.

4 Minutes Example: 59 The minute at which the reboot should occur (0-59).
5 Hours Example: 22 (10 PM) The hour at which the reboot should occur (0-23, in 24-hour format).
6 Day Of Month Example: All Specifies which days of the month the reboot should occur (1-31). "All" means it will occur every day.
7 Month Example: All Specifies which months the reboot should occur (1-12). "All" means it will occur every month.
8 Day Of Week Example: All Specifies which days of the week the reboot should occur (0-6, where 0 is Sunday). "All" means it will occur every day of the week.

Once the user fills all the required given parameters click on the save.

3.4 Import and Export

In this section, User can Import & Export Configuration files of the Device.

Click “Export Config” to export device configuration & settings to a text file,

Click “Import Config” to import device configuration & settings from a previously exported text file.

The user needs to select on the “choose file”, upload the required file and click on apply.


In this module the user can view the status of the router device with respect to the network, Wan, modem etc.

It has 3 submodules.

  • Interfaces
  • Routes
  • Custom Config

4.1 Interfaces

Each network device (interface) is associated with specific traffic statistics, uptime, and status. Active interfaces are operational.

Looking on the network status the user can check if the ewan is up.

4.2 Routes

This configuration shows how the router directs traffic between different networks and interfaces, ensuring proper communication within the local network and to external networks via the default gateway.

ARP Table: Maps IP addresses to MAC addresses for devices on the network, helping in identifying which device is on which interface.

IPv4 Routes: This shows which network is directly connected on which interface.

Example: Network is directly connected on interface eth0.1.

IPv6 Routes: Similar routes as IPv4, but this time listed under IPv6 routing rules.

Example: Local networks and are managed through eth0.1 and ra0, respectively.

4.3 Custom Config

In this section, webpage logo can be customised as per requirements.

Upload the custom logo by clicking the “Upload” tab below.

5. Features

In this module the user can see all the features that the router device has.

This module includes 3 features.

  • Web Server
  • Others
  • Connection Diagnostics

5.1 Web Server

This configuration will allow your device to serve web traffic securely over HTTPS, keep its system time synchronized, and ensure that all HTTP traffic is redirected to HTTPS for better security.

Specification details are given below:

SN Field Name Sample Value Description
1 Enable HTTP HTTP Port: 80

Enable or disable the HTTP server.

Port 80 is the default port for HTTP traffic. It is used to serve web pages over an unencrypted connection.
2 Enable HTTPS HTTPS Port: 443

Enable or disable the HTTPS server.

Port 443 is the default port for HTTPS traffic. It is used to serve web pages over an encrypted connection.
3 Redirect HTTPS Option to redirect HTTP traffic to HTTPS. When enabled, all HTTP requests will be automatically redirected to the HTTPS port to ensure secure communication.
4 Enable NTP Sync Enable or disable NTP synchronization. Synchronizes the device’s system clock with an external NTP server to maintain accurate time.
5 NTP Server 0.openwrt.pool.ntp.org The address of the NTP server used for time synchronization. The openwrt.pool.ntp.org server is a public NTP server pool.
6 NTP Sync Interval (In Minutes) 15 The interval at which the device will sync its clock with the NTP server, set to every 15 minutes in this case.

Click on save once changes are made.

5.2 Others

In this page the user will get to do all the other miscellaneous configuration with respect to the device based on the required parameters. Each utility serves a specific purpose, providing various functionalities for managing and troubleshooting network configurations and statuses.

Specification details are given below:

SN Field Name Sample Value Description
1 Set Date Date and time fields (day, month, year, hour, minute, second) Sets the system date and time to the specified values.
2 Get Date System Retrieves and displays the current system date and time.
3 Ping IP address or domain (e.g., Sends ICMP echo requests to the specified address to check connectivity.
4 traceroute IP address or domain (e.g., Traces the route packets take to reach the specified address.
5 NTP Sync Command ‘Sync’ Synchronizes the system time with the configured NTP server.
6 Download Files File or database identifier Initiates a download of the specified file or database.
7 Restart Power Command ‘Restart’ Restarts the power of the device.
8 Show Board Configuration Command ‘Show’ Displays the current board configuration.
9 Output Any value Displays output for all the above actions.

5.3 Connection Diagnostics

This can ensure that your connection diagnostics application effectively monitors and reports the status of your network connections, providing valuable data for troubleshooting and performance optimization.

This Application works in 3 parts,

1.) General settings

2.) Connection status and management

3.) Application Start/Stop

General settings:

First make configuration changes in this section and save.

Specification details are given below:

SN Field Name Sample Value Description
1 Enable Connection Diagnostics Enable/Disable This option enables or disables the connection diagnostics functionality.
2 Check Interval (in seconds) Value: 120 Specifies how often (in seconds) the diagnostics checks are performed. In this case, every 120 seconds. (min 60 secs)
3 Number of Pings Value: 5 Determines ping requests sent during each check.
4 Ping Packet Size (in Bytes) Value: 56 Defines the size of each ping packet in bytes.
5 Send to remote MQTT Broker Enable/Disable This option enables the sending of diagnostic data to a remote MQTT broker.
6 Publish Data Format CSV / JSON Specifies the format in which the diagnostic data will be published to the MQTT broker. You can choose either CSV (Comma-Separated Values) or JSON (JavaScript Object Notation).
7 MQTT Broker url Value: broker.hivemq.com The URL of the MQTT broker where the diagnostic data will be sent.
8 TCP port Value: 1883 The TCP port used to connect to the MQTT broker. Port 1883 is the default port for MQTT.
9 Topic Value: 37A26230014/connectionDiagnostics The MQTT topic under which the diagnostic data will be published. This topic is used to categorize and identify the data.

Connection status and management:

To setup a connection,

Click on ‘Add new target’

Enter Target IP (Ex:

Click ‘Add’

Target has been added successfully.

Application Start/Stop:

To check whether the target Ip is sending and receiving packets, you need to start the application to see the desired output.

As shown above, our target Ip is sending packets successfully.

You can Add as many targets IP’s you need to monitor.

You can leave the application on for monitoring else ‘Stop’ the application.


These are gateway features that can be configured as per requirements.

It is divided into 5 sections,

1.) Port Configuration

2.) Modbus Configuration

3.) Data Source Configuration

4.) Cloud Configuration

5.) Send Configuration

6.1 Port Configuration

Serial port configuration involves setting parameters for serial communication, allowing data exchange between devices via serial ports.

Port Configuration is divided into 4 port mode,

Transparent Serial to Remote TCP Client

Transparent Serial to Remote TCP Server

Modbus TCP Master to Modbus RTU Slave

Modbus RTU Master to Modbus TCP Slave

Transparent Serial to Remote TCP Client:

Specification details are given below:

SN Field Name Sample Value Description
1 Port Mode Transparent Serial to Remote TCP Client Configures the serial port to send data directly to a remote TCP client without any additional protocol layers, making it "transparent."
2 Transparent Serial Port Mode 1.) raw

2.) rawlp

3.) telnet

4.) off

1.) It's a straightforward data transfer where the serial data is sent as-is.

2.) "Rawlp" stands for "raw with local processing". Typically, it involves some minimal local processing before transmission.

3.) This allows the serial connection to be accessed and managed over a Telnet session.

4.) The "off" mode disables the transparent serial port functionality.

3 Time Out no time out Ensures that the serial port does not time out, meaning it will continuously wait for data without closing the connection due to inactivity.
4 Local Listener TCP Port 3040 Sets the TCP port number to 3040 for the local listener to accept incoming TCP connections.
5 Baud Rate 9600 This is a common baud rate for serial communication, balancing speed and reliability.
6 No Of Stopbits 1 Configures the serial communication to use 1 stop bit, which is a common setting ensuring the end of each byte is clearly marked.
7 No Of Databits 8 Sets the number of bits in each transmitted byte to 8.
8 Parity 1.) None

2.) Even

3.) Odd

4.) Space

5.) Mark

1.) No parity bit is added to the data byte.

2.) Ensures that the total number of 1-bits in the data byte plus the parity bit is even.

3.) Ensures that the total number of 1-bits in the data byte plus the parity bit is odd.

4.) The parity bit is always set to 0, regardless of the data.

5.) The parity bit is always set to 1, regardless of the data.

9 Flow Control 1.) RTSCTS

2.) NONE



1.) Request to Send / Clear to Send

2.) No flow control is used.

3.) Data Terminal Ready / Data Set Ready

4.) Software flow control using specific control characters (XON and XOFF) to manage data flow.

10 Read Trace Enable/Disable Enables logging of data being read from the serial port.
11 Write Trace Enable/Disable Enables logging of data being written to the serial port.

Click on save once configuration changes are made.

Transparent Serial to Remote TCP Server:

Configures the port to act as a bridge, converting serial data into TCP packets sent to a remote TCP server.

Specification details are given below:

SN Field Name Sample Value Description
1 Port Mode Transparent Serial to Remote TCP Server Defines how the serial port will operate in relation to the remote server.
2 Remote Server IP Ex: Field must not be empty: This is a required field, and you must provide a valid IP address for proper communication.
3 Remote Server Port Ex: 1883 Field must not be empty: This is a required field, and you must specify the correct port number used by the server.
4 Transparent Serial Port Mode 1.) raw

2.) rawlp

3.) telnet

4.) off

1.) It's a straightforward data transfer where the serial data is sent as-is.

2.) "Rawlp" stands for "raw with local processing". Typically, it involves some minimal local processing before transmission.

3.) This allows the serial connection to be accessed and managed over a Telnet session.

4.) The "off" mode disables the transparent serial port functionality.

5 Time Out no time out Ensures that the serial port does not time out, meaning it will continuously wait for data without closing the connection due to inactivity.
6 Local Listener Interface IP Address Field must not be empty: This is a required field for specifying which local IP address will be used for listening.
7 Local Listener TCP Port 3040 The TCP port number on the local device that will be used to listen for incoming data.
8 Baud Rate 9600 Standard baud rate, common for many serial devices.
9 No Of Stopbits 1 Indicates that one stop bit is used, which is standard for most serial communications.
10 No Of Databits 8 Indicates that 8 data bits are used per byte, which is a common setting.
11 Parity 1.) None

2.) Even

3.) Odd

4.) Space

5.) Mark

1.) No parity bit is added to the data byte.

2.) Ensures that the total number of 1-bits in the data byte plus the parity bit is even.

3.) Ensures that the total number of 1-bits in the data byte plus the parity bit is odd.

4.) The parity bit is always set to 0, regardless of the data.

5.) The parity bit is always set to 1, regardless of the data.

12 Flow Control 1.) RTSCTS

2.) NONE



1.) Request to Send / Clear to Send

2.) No flow control is used.

3.) Data Terminal Ready / Data Set Ready

4.) Software flow control using specific control characters (XON and XOFF) to manage data flow.

13 Read Trace Enable/Disable Option to enable tracing of incoming data from the serial port, useful for debugging.
14 Write Trace Enable/Disable Option to enable tracing of outgoing data from the serial port, useful for debugging.

Click on save once configuration changes are made.

Modbus TCP Master to Modbus RTU Slave:

Configures the serial port to function as a Modbus TCP Master that communicates with a Modbus RTU Slave over the serial connection.

This setup is used to send Modbus TCP commands to a Modbus RTU device via a serial-to-TCP gateway.

Specification details are given below:

SN Field Name Sample Value Description
1 Port Mode Modbus TCP Master to Modbus RTU Slave This setup is used to send Modbus TCP commands to a Modbus RTU device via a serial-to-TCP gateway.
2 Baud Rate 9600 The speed at which data is transmitted over the serial connection.
3 Parity 1.) None

2.) Even

3.) Odd

1.) No parity bit is used, meaning no additional error-checking bits are included.

2.) Ensures that the total number of 1-bits in the data byte plus the parity bit is even.

3.) Ensures that the total number of 1-bits in the data byte plus the parity bit is odd.

4 No of Stopbits 1 Indicates that one stop bit is used, which is standard for most serial communications.
5 No of Databits 8 Indicates that 8 data bits are used per byte, which is a common setting.
6 Local Listener Interface IP Address Field must not be empty: You need to provide a valid IP address where the TCP connections will be received.
7 TCP Port 502 This is the standard port for Modbus TCP communication.
8 Max. Number of Retries 5 The maximum number of times to retry sending a request if the initial attempt fails.
9 Delay Between Each Request (In milliseconds) 500 The delay between consecutive Modbus requests to avoid overwhelming the system or device.
10 Response Wait Time (In milliseconds) 500 The maximum time to wait for a response from the Modbus RTU Slave before considering the request failed.
11 Connection Timeout (In seconds) 0 A value of 0 typically means no timeout is set, so the system will wait indefinitely.
12 Inactivity Timeout (In seconds) The time to wait before closing a connection if no activity is detected.

Click on save once configuration changes have been made.

Modbus RTU Master to Modbus TCP Slave:

Configures the serial port to function as a Modbus RTU Master that communicates with a Modbus TCP Slave over a network. This setup is used to send Modbus RTU commands from a master device to a Modbus TCP device via a TCP-to-serial gateway.

Specification details are given below:

SN Field Name Sample Value Description
1 Port Mode Modbus RTU Master to Modbus TCP Slave This setup is used to send Modbus RTU commands from a master device to a Modbus TCP device via a TCP-to-serial gateway.
2 Baud Rate 9600 The speed at which data is transmitted over the serial connection.
3 Parity 1.) None

2.) Even

3.) Odd

1.) No parity bit is used, meaning no additional error-checking bits are included.

2.) Ensures that the total number of 1-bits in the data byte plus the parity bit is even.

3.) Ensures that the total number of 1-bits in the data byte plus the parity bit is odd.

4 No of Stopbits 1 Indicates that one stop bit is used, which is standard for most serial communications.
5 No of Databits 8 Indicates that 8 data bits are used per byte, which is a common setting.
6 TCP Slave Address Field must not be empty The IP address of the Modbus TCP Slave device to which the master will send requests.
7 TCP Slave Port Field must not be empty The port number on the Modbus TCP Slave device for receiving Modbus requests.
8 Max. Number of Retries 5 The maximum number of times to retry sending a request if the initial attempt fails.
9 Delay Between Each Request (In milliseconds) Field must not be empty The delay between consecutive Modbus requests to avoid overwhelming the system.
10 Response Wait Time (In milliseconds) 500 The maximum time to wait for a response from the Modbus TCP Slave before considering the request failed.
11 Connection Timeout (In seconds) 0 A value of 0 typically means no timeout is set, so the system will wait indefinitely.
12 Inactivity Timeout (In seconds) Field must not be empty The time to wait before closing a connection if no activity is detected.

Click on save once configuration changes have been made.

6.2 Modbus Configuration

Modbus Configuration involves setting up communication parameters for Modbus devices, including baud rate, parity, stop bits, data bits, TCP/RTU settings, and timeout/retry settings for reliable data exchange.

Click on “Add Device” to start a new configuration.

This Configuration has 2 sections,

1.) Parameter Configuration

2.) Register Config