​​Wi-Fi Access Point, Client and Guest Configuration

From Silbo Networks



  • Login using DNS server IP address ( For Ex =

2.Wi-Fi Client Configuration

2.1 Step 1:

Click on settings=>network=>wifi settings

Wifi Settings

2.2 Step 2:

In general settings click on radio mode and from dropdown select Access point and Client.

2.3 Step 3:

Fill in the details in radio SSID and client SSID, save and then update the page.

SSID and client SSID save

2.4 Step 4:

Go to status=>interfaces , wi-fi WAN should be up.

You have successfully configured Wi-Fi Client.


Wi-fi WAN

3 Wi-Fi Access Point Configuration

  • Go back to settings=>network=>wi-fi settings, click on radio SSID and from the dropdown select Access Point then save and update the page. Wi-Fi Access Point is Configured.

Access Point

4 Guest Wi-Fi Configuration

4.1 What is the use?

Most Wi-Fi routers give you the ability to create what’s called “Guest Wi-Fi” network. Unlike your regular Wi-Fi network that you and your family members use, the guest Wi-Fi network restricts what your guests can do in your network.

Guest wifi main

4.2 Step 1:

Go to settings=>network=>guest wi-fi

Guest Wi-Fi
Guest Wi-Fi

4.3 Step 2:

Enable Guest Wi-Fi and fill in the details, save and update the page.

Guest Wi-Fi has been Configured.

Enable guest wifi

Guest wifi IP Config